Cacik – Turkish Yoghurt with Cucumber and Herbs Dip

Prep: 15 minutes

Cook: 0 minutes

Servings: 4 servings

Served: cold. It goes extremely well with classic Turkish kebabs

Plain yoghurt is a staple in Turkish cuisine and is used in majority of dishes, whether it is sweet or savoury. 'Cacık', pronounced, JAH'- juck, is typically served cold and usually enjoyed as a soup starter before the arrival of the main meal. The ideal palate cleanser and pleasingly simple to make, this pairs perfectly with our additional recipe of Tavuk Shish. 


500 g Greek Yoghurt

1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 cup cold water

2 cucumbers  (peeled and finely cut)

1 to 3 finely chopped garlic or 1 to 2 tbsp garlic powder

1tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

½ tsp dried oregano Optional: ¼ tsp hot red pepper flakes or sweet paprika

Garnish:1/4 fresh, finely chopped dill, or 1 tsp dried dill

Garnish: ¼ cup mint leaves ( fresh, finely chopped or ½ tsp dry mint


  1. First, whisk the yoghurt and olive oil together to make a smooth mixture. 
  2. Gradually whisk in the water to get the consistency you want. Some prefer their cacik thick, whilst others like it watery. 
  3. Next add the cucumbers, garlic, and spices and mix it thoroughly until smooth. 
  4. It is best to refrigerate and serve it cold.  Drizzle a little bit of olive oil and garnish it with dill and mint

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